Your company will have to make certain expenses in order to carry out its periodic activities. You want to plan your spending with data-driven revenue planning based on the most appropriate scenario analysis. Our system allows the cost center and the production counter to carry out cost control on a per-unit basis. The actual cost of the system is also defined in the distribution logic, LivaBudget and distributions between cost centers are carried out. Monthly production plan is taken from production module and unit production costs are calculated.
The product tree is taken from the system of business plan and production counter. The cost calculation is carried out and the cost of the goods is calculated and profitability reports are taken at the net profit level.
Detailed calculation of profitability, Detailed Expense, Personnel Expense, VAT Expense and Cost Placement Distribution reports can be reached instantly and detailed analysis is possible when cost calculation is executed, and the expenses will be kept under control and the authorization transactions and the end user will be able to easily enter data related to the relevant cost type.